Stick Figures
For this project you are to create an animation cycle that contains series of 12 still images per second that when played back give the illusion of movement. You are going to create a minimum of 48 frames of animation, in which a ball bounces 2 stick figures move across the screen.
1.Open flash. Select Modify, document and change the size to W 550 px H 400 px
2. The box on the page is called the stage. This is where you will create your animation.
3. Make sure that you have the following windows opened. Tools, timeline, properties. If you do not see these windows, select Windows and make sure these items are checked.
Black Arrow - This is used as a selection tool.
Square Tool -This tool is used to draw squares and rectangles. You can draw a square by dragging the shape while holding the shift key.
Circle Tool - This tool is used to draw circles and ovals. You can draw a circle by dragging the shape while holding the shift key.
Straight Line Tool -This tool is used to draw lines. Lines can be stretched and bent and shaped to outline objects.
Paint Bucket -This tool is used to fill the objects that you are creating.
Brush Tool -This tool is used to draw freehand lines and shapes.
Magnifying Tool - This tool is used to zoom in and out of the stage. To switch between zoom in and zoom out, hold down the ALT key.
Small Paint Bucket with box - This is the fill color. Press the box to select a fill color.
Small Pencil with box - This is the outline color. Press the box to select a outline color.
Modify tool - This tool is used to stretch or shrink or rotate the object that you make.
The timeline, is were you see each frame (gray or white box) of your animation. Frame 1 (gray) is the farthest to the left, each frame is numbered in groups of 5 and run left to right. 12 frames equal 1 second of animation,
In the timeline, you will see an area called layer.
Layers are were you will create your animation images and layers stack vertically (up and down).
4. Click on layer 1 and rename that layer guy1.
5. Go to insert new layer. Rename that layer ground. Move the ground layer by dragging it below the guy1 layer.
6. On the ground layer, use the square tool to draw a box H 1 inch the width if the stage. Set the fill color for green, outline color no fill (the white square with the red line through it) Place this square at the bottom of the stage.
7. Lock the ground layer.
8. Use the circle tool to draw a head on the guy1 layer. Set the fill color for no fill (the white square with the red line through it) and the outline color for red, thickness 3.
Use the straight line tool to draw the body. You are going to draw a line down from the head to the waist. Now you are going to use the straight line tool to draw the left leg and right leg from the waist. Use the straight line tool to draw the arms. You can draw the arms by making a straight line through the body. When a line crosses another line in flash, it automatically cuts that line, so now you have two arms from one line.
9.Using the black arrow, put the arrow close to the end of one of the arms. You will see a backwards L. You can now stretch the arm. If you put the arrow close to the middle of the arm, but not touching, you can bend the arm.
10. If you use the black arrow to draw a box around your stick figure, to select the whole figure, you can use the modify tool to rotate your figure.
11. With the whole figure selected, choose edit copy (ctrl c) and then edit paste (ctrl v) to copy and paste your figure. Using the stroke color, you can change the color of your stick figure to blue.
12. You want to move your figures from side to side, rotate, bend and stretch your figures for a total of 48 frames.
13. You can add another figure, or draw a ball for your figures to throw, or kick. You want to move your figure in an interesting way for the 48 frames. Important: You will want to group the ball, because if you don't the ball will stick to your stick figure. Anytime a flash object, like a ball, or an arm touches another flash object, unless one of them is grouped (ctrl g), they will merge together.
14. Save your project. Select edit save as and save it as a Flash project.
15. Export your project as a movie with a different name. Go to Save, export movie. Export movie as a Flash Movie File. Set the quality to high (slider to the right). Name your project, Press OK, Press OK.
16. Go to Log in and go to media. Drag the Flash element to the page. Double click on the icon and upload your file.
17. Press the Publish button to publish your page.
1.Open flash. Select Modify, document and change the size to W 550 px H 400 px
2. The box on the page is called the stage. This is where you will create your animation.
3. Make sure that you have the following windows opened. Tools, timeline, properties. If you do not see these windows, select Windows and make sure these items are checked.
Black Arrow - This is used as a selection tool.
Square Tool -This tool is used to draw squares and rectangles. You can draw a square by dragging the shape while holding the shift key.
Circle Tool - This tool is used to draw circles and ovals. You can draw a circle by dragging the shape while holding the shift key.
Straight Line Tool -This tool is used to draw lines. Lines can be stretched and bent and shaped to outline objects.
Paint Bucket -This tool is used to fill the objects that you are creating.
Brush Tool -This tool is used to draw freehand lines and shapes.
Magnifying Tool - This tool is used to zoom in and out of the stage. To switch between zoom in and zoom out, hold down the ALT key.
Small Paint Bucket with box - This is the fill color. Press the box to select a fill color.
Small Pencil with box - This is the outline color. Press the box to select a outline color.
Modify tool - This tool is used to stretch or shrink or rotate the object that you make.
The timeline, is were you see each frame (gray or white box) of your animation. Frame 1 (gray) is the farthest to the left, each frame is numbered in groups of 5 and run left to right. 12 frames equal 1 second of animation,
In the timeline, you will see an area called layer.
Layers are were you will create your animation images and layers stack vertically (up and down).
4. Click on layer 1 and rename that layer guy1.
5. Go to insert new layer. Rename that layer ground. Move the ground layer by dragging it below the guy1 layer.
6. On the ground layer, use the square tool to draw a box H 1 inch the width if the stage. Set the fill color for green, outline color no fill (the white square with the red line through it) Place this square at the bottom of the stage.
7. Lock the ground layer.
8. Use the circle tool to draw a head on the guy1 layer. Set the fill color for no fill (the white square with the red line through it) and the outline color for red, thickness 3.
Use the straight line tool to draw the body. You are going to draw a line down from the head to the waist. Now you are going to use the straight line tool to draw the left leg and right leg from the waist. Use the straight line tool to draw the arms. You can draw the arms by making a straight line through the body. When a line crosses another line in flash, it automatically cuts that line, so now you have two arms from one line.
9.Using the black arrow, put the arrow close to the end of one of the arms. You will see a backwards L. You can now stretch the arm. If you put the arrow close to the middle of the arm, but not touching, you can bend the arm.
10. If you use the black arrow to draw a box around your stick figure, to select the whole figure, you can use the modify tool to rotate your figure.
11. With the whole figure selected, choose edit copy (ctrl c) and then edit paste (ctrl v) to copy and paste your figure. Using the stroke color, you can change the color of your stick figure to blue.
12. You want to move your figures from side to side, rotate, bend and stretch your figures for a total of 48 frames.
13. You can add another figure, or draw a ball for your figures to throw, or kick. You want to move your figure in an interesting way for the 48 frames. Important: You will want to group the ball, because if you don't the ball will stick to your stick figure. Anytime a flash object, like a ball, or an arm touches another flash object, unless one of them is grouped (ctrl g), they will merge together.
14. Save your project. Select edit save as and save it as a Flash project.
15. Export your project as a movie with a different name. Go to Save, export movie. Export movie as a Flash Movie File. Set the quality to high (slider to the right). Name your project, Press OK, Press OK.
16. Go to Log in and go to media. Drag the Flash element to the page. Double click on the icon and upload your file.
17. Press the Publish button to publish your page.