Tween - in progress
Up to this point you have been creating animation using only key frames. Flash allows you to leave spaces between key frames, and the Flash program will fill in those frames, combining images.
Step 1
In frame 1, draw a red circle with a blue outline, 3 thickness.
Press F6 three times. You will have key frames in Frame 1,2,3, and 4.
Using the move tool, select Frame 10 in the time line. In the box below Frame 10 highlight it and press F6. You now have a key frame in Frame 4 and in Frame 10. Delete the circle from Frame 10. Now draw a yellow square with a green outline, 3 thickness in Frame 10. Press the F6 key 3 times. You should have key frames in Frame 10, 11,12, and 13.
Use the move tool and click on the timeline between Frame 4 and Frame 10. In the properties menu, select tween, motion tween. When you select this, the timeline should turn into an arrow starting at Frame 4 and ending at Frame 10.
Go back to Frame 1 and press enter. You should see the circle transform into a square.
Step 2
Go to Frame 20 in the timeline. Press F6. Delete the yellow square. Select the text tool. Click the text tool on the stage and type your name. You may highlight your name and change the color, size and type style in the properties menu. Make your name large enough to read easily. After you type your name, select your name with the move tool. You will see that your name is surrounded by a blue box. The blue box means that your name is grouped. Flash can not tween an object if it grouped. To ungroup an object, press ctrl B. Now your name has blue boxes around each letter. To ungroup the letters, press ctrl B again. Press the F6 key 3 times. You should have key frames in Frame 20, 21,22, and 23.
Step 3
Use the move tool and click on the timeline between Frame 13 and Frame 20. In the properties menu, select tween, motion tween. When you select this, the timeline should turn into an arrow starting at Frame 13 and ending at Frame 20.
Go back to Frame 1 and press enter. You should see the circle transform into a square, and a square into your name. Continue to do this same pattern until you your animation is 100 frames long. Check each section before moving on. If you make a mistake you can press ctrl Z. If your tween has a dashed arrow then there is something still grouped. You will have to ungroup the object to make the motion tween work.
Step 1
In frame 1, draw a red circle with a blue outline, 3 thickness.
Press F6 three times. You will have key frames in Frame 1,2,3, and 4.
Using the move tool, select Frame 10 in the time line. In the box below Frame 10 highlight it and press F6. You now have a key frame in Frame 4 and in Frame 10. Delete the circle from Frame 10. Now draw a yellow square with a green outline, 3 thickness in Frame 10. Press the F6 key 3 times. You should have key frames in Frame 10, 11,12, and 13.
Use the move tool and click on the timeline between Frame 4 and Frame 10. In the properties menu, select tween, motion tween. When you select this, the timeline should turn into an arrow starting at Frame 4 and ending at Frame 10.
Go back to Frame 1 and press enter. You should see the circle transform into a square.
Step 2
Go to Frame 20 in the timeline. Press F6. Delete the yellow square. Select the text tool. Click the text tool on the stage and type your name. You may highlight your name and change the color, size and type style in the properties menu. Make your name large enough to read easily. After you type your name, select your name with the move tool. You will see that your name is surrounded by a blue box. The blue box means that your name is grouped. Flash can not tween an object if it grouped. To ungroup an object, press ctrl B. Now your name has blue boxes around each letter. To ungroup the letters, press ctrl B again. Press the F6 key 3 times. You should have key frames in Frame 20, 21,22, and 23.
Step 3
Use the move tool and click on the timeline between Frame 13 and Frame 20. In the properties menu, select tween, motion tween. When you select this, the timeline should turn into an arrow starting at Frame 13 and ending at Frame 20.
Go back to Frame 1 and press enter. You should see the circle transform into a square, and a square into your name. Continue to do this same pattern until you your animation is 100 frames long. Check each section before moving on. If you make a mistake you can press ctrl Z. If your tween has a dashed arrow then there is something still grouped. You will have to ungroup the object to make the motion tween work.